Brook Trout Restoration
The Brook Trout were once abundant in Eastern North America, but as logging, farming and development changed the land around them and the canopies above them suitable habitat became more and more scarce. The only native salmonid in Appalachia has struggled to keep a foothold in the cold clean streams they love.

Trout in the Classroom
Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is one of our chapter’s most popular projects. Since 2010 we have initiated 4 TIC projects at North Buncombe High School, Asheville Middle School, Owen Middle School, and Pisgah Elementary School. COVID has temporarily caused us some challenges with this program and we are looking forward to getting it back on track soon.

Rivercourse is a week long Coldwater Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp for up to 16 boys and girls ages 13-15, supported by TU chapters throughout North Carolina. The program emphasizes Trout Unlimited’s mission, the conservation of coldwater fisheries, while at the same time teaching campers the basics of fly fishing. It is held each year in June at Lake Logan near Canton, NC.

Stream Reclamation Projects
Land O’ Sky Trout Unlimited works on a number of projects through out the year that help to limit the negative affects of sedimentation from construction, flooding and development projects on the coldwater fisheries of Western North Carolina.
Many people are familiar with Trout Unlimited, and our members’ shared passion for fishing, our regular meetings and outings for fellowship and our support for angler education in our communities. But many outside our organization aren’t familiar with the founding principles and purpose of Trout Unlimited, and the reason it exists today: coldwater conservation.
Preserving, restoring and protecting coldwater fisheries and their watersheds is at the core of everything we do, and we initiate or are involved in many projects public and private lands to further that mission. From aquatic organism passage projects, which ensure that fish and other water creatures can move freely through stream systems to find habitat, feed and reproduce; rerouting trail systems and roads that are creating heavy sediment loads that choke our streams; identifying and remediating sources of pollution and damage to the coldwater ecosystems and many other projects, Trout Unlimited and the Land O’ Sky Chapter have been involved in meaningful conservation efforts for more than fifty years.

Many of these projects require partnerships with local, state and federal agencies; the large ones demand that we partner with like-minded local non-profits who bring resources to the table and extend our reach and ability to make a difference in the world.
We’re proud of TU’s heritage in coldwater conservation, and we’re proud of the part Land O’ Sky has played in it; and we’re excited about the many initiatives we have planned for the years ahead. We hope you’ll join us in ensuring a future of clean, cold fishable waters for many generations of outdoor adventurers and explorers to enjoy.
For more information contact Jay Hawthorne, Conservation Chair at JohnJHawthorne@gmail.com.
Take care of the fish, and the fishing will take care of itself.
Links and Resources
- Appalachian Brook Trout: Learn more about North Carolina's native trout, which isn't really a trout.
- A Native Son Returns: What North Carolina is doing to understand and preserve our native brookies.
- Davidson River Report: 2003/2017 Habitat Inventories Comparison (PNF/Pisgah District).
- TU Status Report: A report on the TU/USFS Southern Appalachian Aquatic Habitat Connectivity Partnership.